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Imagination, inspiration and understanding are responses that surface in a more natural, more distinct and clearer way when the body and mind are relaxed, healthy and happy.

We are aware of the importance of the individual’s own experience as a basis to relate to others and their environment when they feel more comfortable themselves. This enables them to observe time and condition with more detail, consideration and profundity, as well as to live and establish a more fulfilling creative process.

We allow the greatest significance to a collective frame of mind from outward connectivity.

We are certain of the need to honor nature. We believe in the principles of neither non-exploitation nor environmental abuse.

We draw from the premise that we have much to learn from those who co-inhabit the earth with us.

We set out to support artists working whose ecological concepts resonate with the planet and want to share their experience, revealing the environmental lessons learned through the process of their creativity, sensibility and vision.

For us, imagination is an instrument for self-knowledge and we want to accompany those living beings to live the world they dream of.