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The architecture used for LILHA is understood as part of the ecosystem in which it is developed and seeks, at all times, to be a catalyst to express what LILHA stands for.

It is also well known that the guest looks for a nature immersion experience with the necessary comfort to be able to work and relate adequately with others and its surroundings.

This is achieved through an extensive analysis of the location that allows the understanding of different factors that constantly act on the land. This analysis is presented on a multi-scale layout in order to promote adequate resonance between the interventions and the area at every possible level. Starting large scale, with a studio with climatic conditions that have historically been constant on the Nayarit coastline, complemented by a smaller scale in order to achieve a better understanding of how the basin works and concluding in such small scale, which explores the land’s flows and its physical characteristics.


Therefore, any construction that is suggested corresponds to those essential characteristics of the site. An example of this is the decision to develop elevated constructions or ¨palafitos”, which allow the free flow of water, flora and fauna on the surface of the property. This elevation also favors the views from the constructions and places them at a height in which the ocean’s breeze is more notorious.

Furthermore, in response to the property’s climatic characteristics, where we find strong temperature variations between day and night, areas with cross ventilation are suggested, which mitigate the thermal sensation of heat that is accentuated by the humidity of the place. In turn, good quality thermal inertia materials are suggested to offset the low temperatures that are felt during the first hours of the morning.

The use of local construction techniques, such as roofs made out of palm leaves is also considered, with the understanding that the vernacular style architecture of the place poses certain ancestral knowledge that solves most of the area’s climatic elements.


In terms of construction materials, the use of bio-construction materials is suggested, consistent with LILHA’s intention to seek a new type of relationship with the environment. The use of natural materials such as wood, bamboo or earth minimize the environmental impact and favor their reintegration to the ground once they are no longer used for construction purposes. Thus, constructions are understood to be temporary and integrated into the natural life cycles of their elements.

Taking the above into account, it is possible to say that the architecture presented for LILHA follows a made to measure approach of the property and the user, and we propose that any time spent there is filled with nature connection experiences, with creativity and artistic creation.

Alejandro Filloy