Lazos Interdisciplinarios a Lado del HAramara
(Interdisciplinary Bonds Besides the Sea)

LILHA is an artist residency committed to supporting a diverse network of artists interested in socio-environmental concerns and the relationship between the arts, humanities, and ecology. 

Based in San Francisco, Nayarit, Mexico, we offer artist residencies aimed at professionals with initiatives related to these topics.

We are interested in projects that emphasize the relationship between individuals, society and their environment. We consider coexistence, open dialogue and active collaboration essential elements for knowledge and its implementation.

Due to the intimate nature of our facilities, we focus on the individual’s vision. We promote a supportive and healthy atmosphere that allows potential dynamics of proximity  and cultivates empathy among people. 

We believe in the exchange and interculturality to strengthen the field of art through transformative experiences.

Check the next cultural events in town: