- Cultural Production
- produccioncultural@lilha.org
Producer of cultural, artistic and educational projects, Catalina was born in Bogotá, Colombia, where she studied social communication, journalism and public relations, and completed most of her professional projects. She started her career in the world of graphic design as a project manager for Mottif Design Studio and advised in communications to various organizations. This path led her into the cultural and educational world when she joined a virtual training program in promotion of literature and copyright at the Regional Center for the Promotion of Books in Latin America and the Caribbean CERLALC. She also worked for several years coordinating training programs for La Asociación de maestros de arte Entre las Artes (The Association of Art Teachers Within the Arts), part of the Ministry of Culture of Colombia, to promote visual arts and theater at national scope.
Catalina is currently based in Mexico City where she has developed various productions for visual artists and audiovisual pieces. She is part of the collective De Casa Producciones (The House of Productions) and works as a cultural producer for the artistic residence LILHA.